Musical Theatre
The Rolling Hills Foundation is excited to be rolling out a musical theatre program at Rolling Hills for 3rd-5th graders that will be taking place Tuesday after school, starting Feb. 25th. The class will be held in the MPR from 2-3:30 pm with two instructors from SDMT (San Diego Musical Theatre). Class size will be capped at 40 students. Please note you need to fill out both the registration form and make a payment ($88) via givebutter to be officially signed up for the class (both are linked below).
The Rolling Hills Foundation is excited to be rolling out a musical theatre program at Rolling Hills for 3rd-5th graders that will be taking place Tuesday after school, starting Feb. 25th. The class will be held in the MPR from 2-3:30 pm with two instructors from SDMT (San Diego Musical Theatre). Class size will be capped at 40 students. Please note you need to fill out both the registration form and make a payment ($88) via givebutter to be officially signed up for the class (both are linked below).
Class dates:
02/25/25, 03/04/25, 03/11/25, 03/18/25, 03/25/25, 04/01/25, 04/08/25, NO CLASS 04/15/25, 04/22/25, 04/29/25, 05/06/13, 05/13/25, 05/20/25, 05/27/25, 06/03/25
- RHES Musical Theatre
- 3rs - 5th graders
- Start Date: 2/25/2025
- Runs Tuesdays, 2-3:30pm after school
- $88 registration
- Pay here ->
Please email with any questions.